Members of the Board of Managing Directors, Supervisory Board, and Advisory Committees
©Alexandra Lechner
Dr Bettina Orlopp
Chairwoman, Chief Financial Officer
- Group Audit
- Group Communications
- Group Finance
- Group Investor Relations
- Group Legal
- Group Strategy, Transformation & Sustainability
- Group Tax
- Research
arrow right Profile (pdf, 108 KB)
arrow right Seats (pdf, 34 KB)
©Alexandra Lechner
Michael Kotzbauer
Deputy Chairman
- Business Segment Corporate Clients
- Group Treasury
arrow right Profile (pdf, 104 KB)
arrow right Seats (pdf, 32 KB)
©Alexandra Lechner
Sabine Mlnarsky
- Group Human Resources
- Group Organisation & Security
arrow right Profile (pdf, 100 KB)
arrow right Seats (pdf, 33 KB)
©Alexandra Lechner
Thomas Schaufler
Business Segment Private and Small-Business Customers
arrow right Profile (pdf, 96 KB)
arrow right Seats (pdf, 32 KB)
©Jörg Puchmüller
Bernhard Spalt
Risk Management
- Big Data & Advanced Analytics
- Group Compliance
- Group Credit Risk Management
- Group Cyber Risk & Information Security
- Group Risk Control
- Group Validation
arrow right Profile (pdf, 92 KB)
arrow right Seats (pdf, 34 KB)
©Alexandra Lechner
Christiane Vorspel
Chief Operating Officer
- CIO Corporate Clients
- CIO Private and Small Business Customers
- Cross Functions
- Group comdirect Delivery
- Group Digital Transformation
- Group Technology Foundations
- Group Operations
- Group Operations Projects & Processes
arrow right Profile (pdf, 89 KB)
Rules of procedure, Remuneration systems and Governance
Further information on the rules of procedure of the Board of Management or the remuneration system can be found at the following links:
arrow right Rules of procedure of the Board of Managing Directors (pdf, 146 KB)
arrow right Remuneration system for the Board of Managing Directors May 2020 (pdf, 295 KB)
arrow right Remuneration system for the Board of Managing Directors May 2022 (pdf, 267 KB)
The Supervisory Board advises the Bank's management and supervises the conduct of its business. It is made up of equal numbers of representatives of the shareholders elected by the Annual General Meeting and representatives of the employees. It performs its functions both at plenary sessions and in separate committees.
©Jörg Puchmüller
Prof Dr Jens Weidmann
Former President of the Deutsche Bundesbank and Professor of Practice in Central Banking at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
- Presiding and Nomination Committee (Chairman)
- Compensation Control Committee (Chairman)
- Mediation Committee
- Audit Committee
- Risk Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 94 KB)
Uwe Tschäge
Deputy Chairman
Banking professional
Commerzbank AG
- Presiding and Nomination Committee
- Compensation Control Committee
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
- Mediation Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 75 KB)
Heike Anscheit
Banking professional
Commerzbank AG
- Committee for Digital Transformation
arrow right Profile (pdf, 85 KB)
Gunnar de Buhr
Banking professional
Commerzbank AG
- Audit Committee
- Committee for Digital Transformation
arrow right Profile (pdf, 78 KB)
Harald Christ
Managing Partner
Christ & Company Consulting GmbH
- Audit Committee
- Committee for Digital Transformation
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 87 KB)
Dr Frank Czichowski
Former Senior Vice President/Treasurer
KfW Bankengruppe
Bad Vilbel
- Risk Committee
- Audit Committee
- Committee for Digital Transformation
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 105 KB)
Sabine U. Dietrich
Former member of the Board of Managing Directors
BP Europa SE
- Committee for Digital Transformation (Chairwoman)
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 91 KB)
Dr Jutta A. Dönges
Chief Financial Officer
Uniper SE
- Presiding and Nomination Committee
- Compensation Control Committee
- Risk Committee
- Mediation Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 93 KB)
Burkhard Keese
Chief Financial Officer
Lloyd's of London
- Audit Committee (Chairman)
- Risk Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 86 KB)
Maxi Leuchters
Head of Department for Corporate Law and Management
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 97 KB)
Daniela Mattheus
Management Consultant
- Committee for Digital Transformation
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 90 KB)
Nina Olderdissen
Banking professional
Commerzbank AG
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 90 KB)
Sandra Persiehl
Bank employee
Commerzbank AG
Segeberg District
- Committee for Digital Transformation
- Audit Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 94 KB)
Michael Schramm
Banking professional
Commerzbank AG
- Committee for Digital Transformation
- Risk Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 86 KB)
Caroline Seifert
Management Consulting for Transformation
- Committee for Digital Transformation
arrow right Profile (pdf, 89 KB)
Dr Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell
Former member of the Executive Board
European Central Bank
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee (Chairwoman)
- Presiding and Nomination Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 140 KB)
Sascha Uebel
Banking professional
Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft
- Presiding and Nomination Committee
- Audit Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 83 KB)
Frederik Werning
Trade Union Secretary
Section for Banking
ver.di District Münsterland
- Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 92 KB)
Frank Westhoff
Former member of the Board of Managing Directors
- Risk Committee (Chairman)
- Audit Committee
- Compensation Control Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 122 KB)
Stefan Wittmann
Trade Union Secretary
ver.di Trade Union National Administration
(Vereinte Dienstleistungsgesellschaft ver.di)
- Compensation Control Committee
- Mediation Committee
arrow right Profile (pdf, 46 KB)
Information on the Supervisory Board and remuneration systems
Further information on the Supervisory Board or the remuneration system can be found at the following links. The provisions governing the current Supervisory Board remuneration system can also be found in the Articles of Association (end of the list).
arrow right Supervisory Board of Commerzbank AG (pdf, 44 KB)
arrow right Committees of the Supervisory Board (pdf, 43 KB)
arrow right Profile of skills and expertise for Supervisory Board members of Commerzbank AG (pdf, 56 KB)
arrow right Rules of procedure Supervisory Board (pdf, 84 KB)
arrow right Rules of procedure Committee for Digital Transformation (pdf, 47 KB)
arrow right Rules of procedure Environmental, Social and Governance Committee (pdf, 49 KB)
arrow right Rules of procedure Presiding and Nomination Committee (pdf, 52 KB)
arrow right Rules of procedure Audit Committee (pdf, 63 KB)
arrow right Rules of procedure Risk Committee (pdf, 54 KB)
arrow right Rules of procedure Compensation Control Committee (pdf, 55 KB)
arrow right Supervisory Board remuneration system May 2020 (pdf, 219 KB)
arrow right Supervisory Board remuneration system May 2022 (pdf, 174 KB)
Advisory Committees
The members of the Central Advisory Board and the Regional Advisory Committees are personalities who have been drawn from the business community and public life and are associated with Commerzbank. Our Regional Advisory Committee members are nominated and supported from within the sales regions.
arrow right Directory of the Central Advisory Board (pdf, 39 KB)